How it works: ‘make a bigger cake’

A way of thinking. A conscious choice to realize more sales in other applications or regions, such as abroad. Continuity or growth in existing markets is not self-evident. (Too) much reliance on this hinders insights into what new customers want.

So expand your technical and commercial playing field. What makes your company (internationally) distinctive? Or would like to be? Where are new opportunities for growth? Which paths can be taken even more?

Learn from iterative US, Chinese and IT companies instead of getting started only until extensive research and planning is completed

A plan is almost never perfect right away: so, first focus on customer profiles and basic functionalities

  • we are used to only entering the market when the idea or product is almost perfect and the plan is ‘ready’
  • for (international) sales, aim for customer profiles and basic functionalities of your product or service
  • test feasibilities to the market early, draw your sales/export plan ‘on the way’ instead of in detail in advance

Export less complex with proven on- and offline ‘agile’ approach

Cut the traditional approach…

Controlled acceleration of the sales process

  • with a solid customized preparation
  • without too detailed plans in advance
  • make targeted customer contact in concrete steps

 Accelerate without the high upfront costs of overly detailed marketing or export plans in advance. Or a too early expansion of your sales department.

For a fraction of these costs, we make direct contact with potential customers or other interesting parties in a relatively short time. With a clear step-by-step plan and based on customer profiles drawn up carefully and in consultation.

This is preceded by intensive preparation with a lead time of only a few weeks. Your company, market strategy, product portfolio and more were discussed in detail – at no cost. Smooth ánd thorough at the same time.

… and stay agile

Accessible approach with 3 advantages:

  • on the road after a short time
  • structured and costs under control
  • plenty of room for new opportunities ‘on the way’

Accessible approach opens doors and encourages action

How familiar do you need to be in advance with the country you want to export to? What risk are you taking with a direct approach? Both are quite relative. Going for your goal is not the same as not having patience or antennae with or for local partners, habits and how to deal with it.


  • respect and having a solution for the (end) customer remain decisive
  • cultural and language barriers have become less important due to ‘online access’, although they remain
  • market/customer information are therefore no longer exclusive, what counts above all is what you do with it

Agile acquisition makes (international) sales much less ‘complicated’

The ‘agile’ approach also starts with a vision of the market, your strategy and good preparation. Unlike a traditional approach, the focus is now earlier and more directly on the concrete acquisition of new customers. And just as carefully. The main differences at a glance:

  • the iterative and agile approach enables earlier contact with prospects, at lower costs
  • forget that exporting or selling is ‘difficult’, although this is -understandably- often said because of cultural, language and other differences, especially if -on closer inspection- opening new doors yourself turns out to be more difficult
  • agile acquisition lowers these thresholds, so that the perceived ‘complexity’ also decreases significantly

 Let’s talk, be challenged and inspired.